How to find the road that feels like velvet
Few if any travel guides have a section called ‘how to find the road that feels like velvet.’ To find those places we need a different guide altogether.
We need an Inner GPS, a Soul Compass. Tune it to the right frequency and head out. It beats Garmin Girl every. single. time.
How to tune into it? Start with these 3 steps—
1: Find a better frequency
2: Release all expectations
3: Be There
Tune In—Find the Frequency:
The day started out discouraging. Life tilted sideways… again.
In times of continued uncertainty, it’s hard to remain buoyant, to retain a sense of equilibrium.
When sideways, when resilience doesn’t seem enough to see you through the lifecrud, you need a little soul play to find a better groove.
So — we ran away from home.
Up the hill, up the hill heading south then west then south again.
An hour later landed us in a new part of the countryside.
We took our time. Passing through a sea of yellow canola in bloom, we drove slowly down back roads. Occasionally a sway of green-turning-gold wheat or half open blue flax flowers would wave us on.
We relaxed into this gauntlet of farmers field and colour and let curiosity lead us on.
Release all Expectations:
Releasing expectations is hard. I get that. Oh Boy! do I get that. When it come to moving through uncertain territory, the destination is unknown and the landscape unfamiliar. Moving forward isn’t guaranteed.
Here’s the thing… forward doesn’t always look the way you think it should. In fact, if we’re using our soul compass, what it looks like doesn’t matter as much as what it feels like.
You may need to go backwards, or south then west than south again to get to that place where your road feels like velvet.
It might take a few twists and turns. There will likely be dead ends. When you get there, you will know it. It will know you.
At an unmarked intersection we paused. Narrow black dirt road to the South…bingo! Black Dirt it is.
When you get there, you will know it. It will know you.
Feel that? No…you’re not lost. You’re not confused. You’ve stopped.
You’re in exactly the right place—fully present in a knowing field.
Bare feet planted on the ground, smooth black dirt — sole to soul.
Time stops. You find yourself in a soul landscape.
There is actually a word for this phenomenon.
Sielumaisema is a Finnish word meaning “soul landscape. Think of it as the landscape that hits you in the center of your chest, the one you carry with you, the one that immediately feels like home.”
You come home to all your senses.
This is the space within you that stands outside of time.
Often found in nature, we land so softly in these spaces that we forget to be at odds with who or where we are; we peacefully sync with our most human Self.
When we find our soul landscape, we land so softly we forget to be at odds with who or where we are. We peacefully sync with our most human Self.
Have you felt it too?
Where do you find your homecoming, your road that feels like velvet?
My best to you,
barefeet planted on the ground, smooth black dirt — sole to soul.
I’d love to hear you thoughts or soul landscape story in the comments below.
Let’s walk each other home.
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Oops… so zen on my velvet road, I almost forgot to ask
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Comments (6)
A lovely word Sielumaisema – soul landscape! I experience it nearly everytime while being really out in nature. There is no escape, nature creates immediatly your soul landscape.
Thank you for the nice wisdom.
‘there is no escape’. So true, Anja. Nature is powerful. Thank you. ^..^ Dawn
IT should be very simple once you are on the right road. When things start feeling rough again, you have drifted off of the velvet road. Sometimes that happens when I am driving on the highway. They even add “rumble strips” to the side to let me to “drive by ear” like some people play music “by ear”.
Yes it is a great road. It just feels right.
Drive by ear… I get that. Yes, we can drift off the road. The good thing is that once we realize that we want more velvet, less rough we ARE heading back into a space that feels just right. Thanks Doug, for reading and sharing insights.
Beautiful post!
Thank you Diane, for taking time to read and comment. dawn